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10 Common Mistakes You're Making in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

by Dom's Roundtable

And How to Fix Them for a Smoother Medieval Experience!

Welcome to Dom’s Roundtable, fellow adventurers! If you're diving into the brutal yet brilliant world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, there's a good chance you're making some simple mistakes that are making your playthrough much harder than it needs to be. This game is a deeply immersive, realistic medieval RPG, so approaching it like any other modern game will likely get you killed.

To help you master the experience, here are 10 mistakes you might be making and how to fix them to maximize your potential, improve your gameplay, and make the most of what this incredible game has to offer.

Overeating – A Silent Stamina Killer


In most games, keeping health, mana, or energy at 100 is such a satisfying target to reach. But in KCD2, overindulging in food will cripple your stamina, so you can't run as far, and combat will be far more difficult as you'll keep running out of breath.

Eating too much raises your nourishment above 100, leaving your character bloated and sluggish. Conversely, if you drop below 50 nourishment, you will start to starve, your stamina again will drop, and your vision will start to blur.

Keep your nourishment between 50-100 to maintain optimal stamina. You really don’t need to eat more than one big meal per day if you plan your food wisely.

Misusing Alcohol – Know When to Drink


Drinking in moderation can be a huge advantage, offering buffs to thievery, craftsmanship, dice rolls, and so much more, as long as you are in the "positive" drunkenness state.

But chugging too much will leave you blacking out and waking up in a random location, suffering blurry vision and impaired movement, and leaving you with a nasty hangover, all while possibly developing a permanent addiction.

Watch for the "happy drunk" buff (a smiling icon), which means you're at the sweet spot; if you stay in this state and spend your points in the drinking tree, you can see some great benefits. However, if you pass this threshold into the negative state of drunkenness, the negatives outweigh the positives.

Wearing Stolen Items in the Wrong Place


It’s tempting to equip that shiny new set of armour you borrowed from someone, especially if it offers a significant statistical upgrade, but wearing freshly stolen gear will make NPCs immediately recognize and report you.

This can quickly turn an innocent stroll into an arrest or worse!

Only wear freshly stolen equipment or items far away from the scene of the crime, or wait 2-3 in-game days for the stolen tag to disappear before equipping looted gear in the town and local vicinity.

Wearing Stolen Items

Ignoring Crime Consequences


Even if you’re a stealth master and never get caught, the more crime that happens in an area, the more suspicious people become. Increased theft and shady behaviour lead to a higher chance of being searched by guards and harsher punishments if you're accused.

Rotate your crime spree between different towns and keep an eye on town suspicion levels through people's voice lines and body language as you walk by.

Adventuring Without Essentials


Failing to pack the right supplies can mean losing hours of progress if you bleed out, get food poisoning, starve, or run out of stamina in battle.

These are the bare essentials I advise you ALWAYS travel with before going on your next big adventure:

  • 8-12 bandages (to prevent bleeding out)

  • 1-2 Saviour Schnapps (to manually save before tough fights or difficult decisions)

  • 8-10 long-lasting food items (dried/smoked meats for long-lasting, high-nutrition)

  • 1-2 stomach decoctions (to counter food poisoning)

Not Utilizing Armor Sets


This game allows you to save and switch between three different armour sets, but many players ignore this feature as it can be tedious to set up initially and keep on top of.

However, the right outfit can mean the difference between life and death, or success and failure in persuasion.

Maintain three dedicated armour sets:

  • Combat Set (heavy armour for maximum defence)

  • Stealth Set (all-black, lightweight, silent gear for sneaking and thievery)

  • Charisma Set (fancy noble attire to boost persuasion and charm)

Wasting Night Time Hours


Shops close, NPCs sleep, and you might think there’s nothing to do at night, but that’s far from the truth. Instead of wasting time waiting for morning and just oversleeping or walking around aimlessly, use the night wisely.

You can;

  • Practice stealth skills (sneak around private areas and take items lying around whilst trespassing for free XP)

  • Before bed, read books to gain experience

  • Plan your next steps to optimize your efficiency, prepare your equipment and armour, fast travel to the correct location ready to sally forth on your next adventure

Reading a Book To Pass The Time

Forgetting to Skip Time When Needed


It can be so easy to forget that along with sleeping and fast travelling, if you need to meet an NPC or wait for an event, you don't just have to walk around aimlessly for hours on end, you can simply use the Skip Time feature to save you endless amounts of time in the real world, so you can get back to doing whatever important activity you were doing sooner.

Use the skip time feature when needed, and remember, sleeping in someone else's bed is a crime, so instead, just use the Skip Time mechanic.

Skipping Time

Playing It Like a Typical RPG Instead of a Medieval Simulator


Unlike most RPGs, NPCs in KCD2 judge you based on your actions, appearance, and behaviour. If you act rude, dirty, or suspicious, expect people to treat you poorly in return.

Keep in mind;

  • Always put your weapon away before entering a town

  • Wash yourself and your clothes regularly (rivers work just fine)

  • Respect social hierarchies (people react better if you look noble)

  • Never forget your torch when walking around at night

  • Make friends with everyone, the better your relationships in a town, the more readily you will be forgiven for social faux pas

Weapon is unsheathed

Hoarding Perk Points Instead of Using Them Immediately


It’s tempting to save up multiple perk points and spend them all at once. The dopamine fiends inside us all love the experience of levelling multiple skills at once and significantly improving your character in one big dopamine-fuelled spending spree, but delaying this means missing out on crucial bonuses that could help you right now.

Every time you level up, immediately spend your perk points as some can be game-changing.

Spend Perk Points

Final Thoughts


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is brutal but rewarding. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you survive, thrive, and truly immerse yourself in the medieval world.

If you found this guide helpful, make sure you're also subscribed to the YouTube channel, and stay tuned for more tips, in-depth guides, and strategies right here at Dom’s Roundtable!

Happy adventuring, and may your sword stay sharp!

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

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