by Dom's Roundtable
Welcome back to Dom's Roundtable, fellow adventurers! If you’ve been roaming the medieval streets of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you’ve probably realized just how punishing the economy can be.
That shiny set of armour or that swift steed feels like it’s always just out of reach, doesn’t it? But here’s the good news, you don’t need to grind mindlessly or exploit cheap mechanics to amass a fortune.
Today, I’m sharing the ultimate guide to making money in KC:D2 while keeping the thrill of the game alive. These strategies won’t just fatten your wallet, they’ll make you a master of medieval survival.
So, let’s dive into 10 powerful money-making tips that balance profit with gameplay immersion!
Level Up Your Speech and Watch the Groschen Roll In
Your journey to wealth starts with the Speech skill. This isn’t just about talking your way out of trouble, it’s about talking your way into better deals.
Silver Tongue: Boosts your speech by +4 when haggling, making it easier to negotiate both buying and selling prices. More cash in your pocket, less spent at shops.
Artisan: This perk is a game-changer. It gives you 10% better prices on all weapons, armour, and clothing, whether buying or selling. The “Polished Wares” perk is potentially worth considering, too, as it does stack with Artisan. However, Artisan is superior and applies regardless of the condition of your items, so if you don't want to spend all of your points in one place, just take Artisan.
Hustler: If you dabble in thievery, this perk lets you slip stolen goods past vendors with ease, while also granting bonus experience in stealth and thievery.
💡Bonus Tip: Mix stolen items with regular goods when selling to reduce suspicion. The more you level up your speech, the fatter your profits.
Boost Profits with the Right Skills and Perks
Beyond Speech, there are other key skills that turn your time in KC:D2 into a cash cow.
Potion Seller (Alchemy Tree): Brewed potions sell for 30% more. Not a fan of alchemy? You might reconsider after seeing the profits roll in.
On the Poacher’s Trail (Survival Tree): Doubles the sale price of herbs, game hides, and trophies. Combine this with other foraging and hunting perks for a nice boost to your income with minimal effort.
Sticky Fingers (Thievery Tree): Earn a little groschen every time you successfully pickpocket someone. Plus, looted bodies will contain extra cash, turning every battlefield into a treasure trove.
Master the Art of Thievery (Without Getting Caught)
Let’s be real, stealing is one of the fastest ways to get rich in KC:D2. But it’s not just about grabbing random loot.
Pickpocket Shopkeepers for Keys: Instead of wasting time on impossible locks, sneak into the shopkeeper's home at night, lift the keys from the owner, then let yourself into their shop, and help yourself to their wares, conveniently located in the chest which you now happen to have the keys to. It’s safer and often more profitable than trying and failing to pick master-level locks.
Rotate Your Targets: Constant theft in one town will raise suspicions and make vendors wary, potentially raising prices. Spread your thieving activities across different towns to keep the heat off.

Quests and Side Missions: Your Hidden Gold Mine
Don’t overlook side quests, they often come with insane rewards. I once earned 1,000 Groschen for sprinkling water on fireplaces. That’s it.
Bandit Hunts: Taking down leaders like Canker can net you valuable armour and weapons to sell on top of a tidy sum of cold hard cash simply for completing your task.
Boost Relations: Completing quests improves your standing with townsfolk, giving you better haggle rates and lower prices at shops.

Horses: The Unexpected Gold Mine
Stealing and selling horses is one of the most lucrative and often overlooked ways to make money in KC:D2.
Steal and Fast Travel: After sneaking a horse from a camp (preferably at night), you need to wait for the morning before you can sell it. However, you can't skip time on a stolen horse; therefore, fast travel between towns is necessary to keep the horse from running away. Once shops open, head to the horse trade Mikolai at the Nomad's Camp and sell it on the black market.
💡Bonus Tip: Mikolai only has a limited amount of Groschen, so before selling the horse, buy any gear you want from the trader. You’ll use the profits from the stolen horse to cover your expenses, effectively scoring free horse equipment.

Save Groschen with Smart Repairs
Don’t throw your hard-earned groschen at blacksmiths and tailors for repairs.
Use Repair Kits: Buying armourers' and tailors' kits is significantly cheaper than paying for professional repairs. For example, a full armour repair might cost you 600-700 groschen at the blacksmith, but you can repair your entire set yourself with only a couple of repair kits, which will only set you back around 200. That’s an insane amount of money saved over the course of the game!
Craftsmanship Perks: Unlock perks like Well-Fitted (makes repaired gear quieter) and Seven League Boots (reduces sprint stamina after self-repairs).
Clean up without Breaking the Bank
Forget the bathhouses. Washing yourself and your clothes in the river is not only free (just grab a bar of soap), but it also cleans your entire inventory, not just what you're wearing.
Bathhouses might make you smell like royalty, but they are costly, and only wash the clothes you are currently wearing, so unless you’re off to a noble’s wedding, the river is your budget-friendly spa.
Get A FREE Set of Armour
As you're wandering the roads, keep an eye out for lone mercenaries and wandering nobles for easy loot; once they've stopped moving, that is… And as long as nobody is around to witness it, you didn't even technically commit a crime, right?
Then you can repair the armour you just grabbed for a tasty free upgrade, or if you've already got a great armour set, sell it at a nearby town for a quick profit. As you didn't steal it from a town, the marker will say "Stolen from god knows where.", so it's much easier to slip by undetected.
Bandit Gear: Even basic bandit armour can sell for hundreds of groschen when repaired.
Nobles: Sometimes, nobles “accidentally” fall off their horses into your sword. It’s a tough world out there.

Millers Are Criminals Too (and that's a good thing)
Sell to Millers: If you’re too impatient to wait for stolen markers to fade, or if you need a cash injection NOW, Millers will buy your hot goods with no questions asked. They pay slightly less, but it’s worth it if you’re in a hurry.
Progress the Main Quest for Big Rewards
Side hustles are great, but the main quest often provides the best payouts. From free armor sets to upgraded horses, the rewards for simply playing the story are too good to ignore.
Final Thoughts
With these tips, you’ll be swimming in groschen in no time, all while keeping the spirit of adventure alive. Remember, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 isn’t just about grinding for wealth; it’s about immersing yourself in a rich, medieval world. But hey, who says you can’t do both?
So, go out there, make your fortune, and don’t forget to subscribe to Dom’s Roundtable for more KC:D2 guides.
Until next time, happy adventuring—and may your pockets be as deep as your sword is sharp!